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How to Update Udyam Registration Online in India?

How to Update Udyam Registration Online in India?

Have you signed up for Udyam Registration yet? More than 4 million people have applied for Udyam registration. However, many applicants seek to update or edit certain information after receiving the Udyam Certificate. Some candidates wonder why they can't update their name, state, or district, for example. We've spoken about how to update your Udyam certificate in this blog.

Definition of Udyam Registration

Udyam registration was created to make the process of registering an MSME in India easier. Many programmes and reforms have been implemented by the Indian government to benefit small and medium-sized businesses and organisations.

Udyam Certificate

Individuals or organisations who register in Udyam using the Udyam Registration Portal are given a unique number called an Udyam Certificate. It is a certificate that is given to business owners once they register with MSME. It's a 14-digit number with the UDYAM-UP-00-XX-XXXXXX format.

Process to Update Udyam Certificate Online

Following are the steps to Update Udyam Certificate Online :

Step 1 : Visit the Udyam Registration webpage.

Step 2 : To update your Udyam certificate, go to the Update Udyam Certificate tab.

Step 3 : Fill out the form with your information and your Udyam registration number.

Step 4 : Enter the mobile number or email address where you want to receive OTP (as specified in the Udyam Registration form). The OTP will be sent to the registered email address or mobile number.

Step 5 : Make an online payment for the application procedure.

Step 6 : One of our representatives will contact you, and you will be required to share the OTP with them in order for your application to proceed.

Step 7 : The Updated Udyam Certificate will be sent to the registered email address.


1 : To proceed with your application, you must provide OTP to our executives.

2 : In the Udyam Certificate, you cannot change the applicant's name, state, or district. If you want to change the PAN number on your certificate, you can only do so in certain circumstances.

Udyam Certificate Update Benefits

An Update Udyam Certificate has numerous advantages. The major and most crucial benefit of an Udyam Certificate is that it makes it easier to obtain bank loans for your business because it verifies the ownership of a specific individual. They can also take use of a number of other Udyam Certificate benefits, which are listed below :-

  1. Any referral for a refund would be guaranteed.
  2. It's easier to open a business account after you've enrolled for Udyam.
  3. Once you have your Udyam registration number, you can sign up for any of the major trade shows without a doubt. Similarly, when it comes to trade shows, you must stick to trade shows.
  4. Your business will be able to file under both state and federal regulations.

Who are we, exactly?

We are a Private Consultancy that specialises in Udyam Registration. We have a team of skilled advisors who will assist you with the Udyam Certificate updating procedure. We offer Udyam registration services.

If you have any further questions about Udyam Registration, please contact us using our Contact us Form

Tags  Udyam Registration, Update Udyam Registration, Online Udyam Registration update